Kings Nympton is an idyllic village nestled in the stunning Devon countryside, yet only 10 minutes from Chulmleigh and South Molton. We see ourselves as the small school with the big ideas. Our staff team are dedicated to ensuring all children have access to a wealth of learning experiences and the very best curriculum. We are able to do this by working closely and sharing skills across our Federation (we are federated with Winkleigh Primary School).
By planning trips and residentials across the Federation, children from Kings Nympton Primary School get to meet other children from their year groups before their transition to their chosen secondary school.
Whole school art today with Mr Slocombe using Friedensreich Hundertwasser's work as inspiration. The children began by drawing patterns and shapes and using vibrant colours on a large piece of paper. This involved respecting other people's space and art-work. Then, we moved to class 2 where we examined objects and then tried our best to create an observational drawing. In groups, we used small world resources to form a scene which we then drew using our observational drawing skills. Then, we added colour and pattern just like Hundertwasser and as our original class artwork. We finished off by celebrating everyone's art work, thinking about likes and improvements.
Our last forest school for this year but it was incredible. The morning after strikers was hunting for animal footprints and we found a deer's. So Mrs Blacker showed us how to use Plaster of Paris to make a cast. Then, the rest of the morning was child led. They worked as a team to build their own den with logs, branches and bushes. Then, they created their own fire pit and built their own fire, it was amazing. We had hot chocolate too. Then, after lunch the children used clay and heated pewter over the fire to make lovely silver coloured acorn or pine cones. More independent learning, followed by cooking and eating s'mores, then more fun splashing in the river.
The Local Authority has discontinued the distribution of UID letters, which were traditionally sent to families to invite them to apply for their child's school place. Instead, an online Microsoft form is now available for parents and carers to express their interest in applying for a school place. Upon registration, they will receive automated reminders via text or email when the application window opens on 15th November 2024.
The children have been having great fun and learning lots about Mexico today during our Mexican Arts and Culture day. We've decorated our own chillis, designed and made piñata's, created our own Mexican flowers and tasted lots of different foods. All before lunch! Oh and Year 6's baked a caked.