Transition to Secondary
Have you applied for your child’s school place yet?
The deadline to make your application to the Local Authority is the 31st October 2025.
You can apply online by visiting or you can collect a hard copy of the application form from the school office.
Please be advised that if you don’t apply or apply after the closing date of the 31st October 2025, your application will be considered after all timely applications, and this may mean that you miss out on a place at your preferred or local school. Places are not held in reserve for people that apply late.
It is important that you make your application before the closing date to give your child the best chance of getting a place at one of your preferred schools.
Please don’t assume you don’t need to apply and that you will be allocated a place at the local secondary school if you don’t. You must make an application and give the Local Authority your preferences. If you don’t tell the admissions team where you want your child to go to school, you will run the risk of being allocated a place at a school that isn’t the nearest school, or a preferred school, and it may also be a school to which you are unable to transport your child to.
If you need help or assistance with the application process, please speak to the school office or contact the admissions team on 0345 155 1019 or email